Scandmodis logotype

Scandinavian Movement Disorder Society

About ScandMODIS

The Scandinavian Movement Disorder Society

ScandMODIS is a collaboration platform between the Danish Movement Disorder Society (Danmodis), the Swedish Movement Disorder Society (Swemodis), “Norwegian Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society” (NorMODIS), the Movement Disorders Section of the Finnish Neurological Society (FinnMODIS) and the Iceland Society of Neurology.



  • to improve research, clinical development and education in movement disorders in Scandinavia, and in particular to stimulate scientific exchange
  • to organize Scandinavian movement disorder meetings
  • to arrange educational activities to strengthen Scandinavia’s role in international movement disorder activities
  • to conduct all ScandMODIS activities to high scientific standards.



The Swedish Movement Disorder Society (SweMODIS) is a non-profit association for stimulating the interest in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, with the aim to improve the conditions for research, treatment and education of scientists and clinicians. The Society was founded in 1985. It is associated to The Movement Disorder Society.
Visit Swemodis



Danmodis logotypeDansk Selskab for Bevægeforstyrrelserer et videnskabeligt selskab til fremme af forskning, behandling og information indenfor basalganglie-sygdomme og andre beslægtede bevægeforstyrrelser. Selskabet har til formål at fremme såvel grundvidenskabelig som behandlingsorienteret forskning inderfor alle sundhedsfaglige områder.
Visit Danmodis


Norwegian Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (NorMODIS)

Norrmodis logotypeNorMODIS is short for The Norwegian Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (Norsk forening for Parkinsons sykdom og bevegelsesforstyrrelser). This is a non-profit society that aims to improve knowledge about and treatment of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement disorders, and to promote both clinical and basic research in these fields. NorModis is associated member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society – MDS.

Visit Normodis



[Description of IceMODIS is missing]



FinnMODIS is the Movement Disorders Section of the Finnish Neurological Society (Liikehäiriöjaosto, Suomen Neurologinen Yhdistys). This non-profit medical society aims to improve awareness and recognition, scientific understanding and treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, and to promote both clinical and basic research related to these conditions.

FinMODIS is an associated member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society – MDS, and together with our sister organizations in Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland, FinMODIS is part of the Scandinavian Movement Disorder Society (ScandMODIS).

Visit the Finnish Neurological Society (content in Finnish)